Termékek élelmiszerek és (7632)

PRESTIGE POLC SZ.192 X M.49 X M.220 - Polcok

PRESTIGE POLC SZ.192 X M.49 X M.220 - Polcok

Paiement sécurisé Livraison à domicile Echange ou remboursement Référence:PRE192202
Őrölt Kurkuma 500g VIVIO - Őrölt Kurkuma 500g VIVIO

Őrölt Kurkuma 500g VIVIO - Őrölt Kurkuma 500g VIVIO

Ostryż długim, nazywany również szafranem indyjskim, a powszechnie znany jako kurkuma jest rośliną z rodziny imbirowatych, rosnącą dziko w Indiach i uprawiana w krajach o klimacie tropikalnym. Z rośliny tej uzyskuje sie przyprawę i żółty barwnik zwany kurkuminą.Kurkuma jest niezbędnym składnikiem mieszanek przypraw, np. curry.Kurkuma barwi potrawy, do których jest dodawana, nadając im żółtego koloru i przyjemnego, korzennego smaku. Silnie barwi też sztućce (szczególnie drewniane i plastikowe), którymi się ją nabiera i miesza gotowane z nią danie.W przemyśle spożywczym kurkuma jest wykorzystywana do zabarwiania masła, majonezu, makaronu i sera.<strong>Stosowanie</strong>Kurkuma służy do przyprawiania sosów, potraw z drobiu, zup kremów oraz omletów. Pasuje do dań z roślinami strączkowymi (fasole, ciecierzyca, soczewica, soja). Obowiązkowy składnik wszelkich dań typu curry i innych dań kuchni indyjskiej.Dodana do ciasta drożdżowego, ucieranego lub biszkoptu nada im piękny żółty kolor.
Tehén- és kecsketejpor

Tehén- és kecsketejpor

Kuh- und ziegenmilchpulver sind hochwertige Produkte, die aus frischer Milch hergestellt werden und eine hervorragende Nährstoffquelle für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder darstellen. Diese Milchpulver sind reich an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, die für das Wachstum und die Entwicklung von Kindern unerlässlich sind. Sie sind in verschiedenen Varianten erhältlich, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen der Kinder gerecht zu werden und bieten eine schmackhafte und nahrhafte Option für die tägliche Ernährung. Die Verwendung von Kuh- und ziegenmilchpulver bietet Eltern die Sicherheit, dass sie ihren Kindern die bestmögliche Ernährung bieten. Diese Produkte sind einfach zuzubereiten und eignen sich hervorragend für die tägliche Ernährung. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen Milchpulver sind, das sowohl nahrhaft als auch schmackhaft ist, sind Kuh- und ziegenmilchpulver die richtige Wahl für Sie. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr über unsere Angebote zu erfahren.
Folyékony Élelmiszer-kiegészítők Adagoló Csappal Ellátott Üvegekben

Folyékony Élelmiszer-kiegészítők Adagoló Csappal Ellátott Üvegekben

Gli integratori alimentari liquidi in flaconi con dosage tap offrono un metodo di assunzione rapido ed efficiente, ideale per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le pillole. I componenti attivi contenuti nei liquidi vengono assorbiti più rapidamente dall'organismo, garantendo un'efficacia immediata. Questa forma farmaceutica permette un dosaggio personalizzabile, adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. I flaconi sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni, realizzati in materiale PET o vetro, per garantire la massima qualità e sicurezza del prodotto. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano. La formulazione dei liquidi in flaconi con dosage tap include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti vegetali fluidi, vitamine, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo i liquidi in flaconi con dosage tap, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.


Mint oil is a very common flavouring in baking of both sweet and savoury dishes. It is added to chocolaty desserts, breads, stews and even in teas. Mint oil is perhaps one of the most popular essential oils when it comes to health benefits, with its soothing and healing properties. Common Uses Mint oil is used for muscle pain relief and muscle spasms. By adding a few drops to the affected area and massaging it, it brings instant relief to muscle pains. Stomach pain can also be relieved by consuming some mint oil, by dropping a few drops on the tongue. Many essential oils are great bug repellents. It can be used in a diffuser or rubbed on the skin. Mint oil is also a great substance for sunburn relief as it is a natural coolant. By massaging some mint essential oil, mixed with lotion or coconut oil, on the skin, one will feel instant cooling. The other health benefits include cold and flu remedies, soothing of sore throats, chest rubs for coughs and an aid to reduce fever. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Tömeges gyömbér

Tömeges gyömbér

El jengibre a granel de Lord Spices Group es una especia aromática y versátil, perfecta para enriquecer sus platos con un sabor único y vibrante. Con más de 100 años de experiencia en el mercado, ofrecemos jengibre de alta calidad, producido y distribuido al por mayor con un enfoque en la satisfacción del cliente. Nuestro jengibre es cuidadosamente empaquetado en diversos formatos, asegurando su frescura y calidad. Ideal para su uso en tés, postres y guisos, el jengibre de Lord Spices Group es una adición deliciosa a su cocina.
BRAUNE PIZZA -BOX - Barna Pizza-Dobozok Újrahasznosított Anyagból

BRAUNE PIZZA -BOX - Barna Pizza-Dobozok Újrahasznosított Anyagból

Unsere braunen Pizza-Boxen bestehen aus hochwertigem, recyceltem, biologisch abbaubarem und recycelbarem Karton. Diese umweltfreundlichen Boxen sind ideal für jede Art von Pizza und tragen dazu bei, die Umwelt zu schützen. Highlights: Material: Hergestellt aus 100 % recyceltem und biologisch abbaubarem Karton Druck: Individuell bedruckbar, um Ihre Marke hervorzuheben Größen: Erhältlich in verschiedenen Größen von 18 cm bis 60 cm, ideal für jede Pizza Umweltfreundlich: Unterstützen Sie nachhaltige Verpackungslösungen, die die Umwelt schonen Profitieren Sie von unseren umweltfreundlichen braunen Pizza-Boxen, um Ihren Kunden eine nachhaltige Verpackungslösung anzubieten, die sowohl funktional als auch umweltbewusst ist. Heben Sie Ihr Geschäft auf ein neues Level mit Verpackungen, die sowohl ansprechend als auch ökologisch sind!
GEOGRAFICO Vermentino Toscano IGT 6 doboz 75 cl

GEOGRAFICO Vermentino Toscano IGT 6 doboz 75 cl

Il GEOGRAFICO Vermentino toscano IGT è un vino bianco di alta qualità con una profondità di 6 bottiglie da 75 cl in una elegante cassa. Ottenuto da uve Vermentino coltivate in Toscana, presenta un gusto fruttato, fresco e asciutto, con una ricca mineralità. Ideale per accompagnare piatti di pesce, formaggi e antipasti.
Száraz Dió és Száraz Gyümölcs Csomagolás - Száraz Élelmiszer Csomagolás - Tartós, légmentes csomagolást készítünk száraz diók és száraz gyümölcsök számára.

Száraz Dió és Száraz Gyümölcs Csomagolás - Száraz Élelmiszer Csomagolás - Tartós, légmentes csomagolást készítünk száraz diók és száraz gyümölcsök számára.

Our dry nuts and dry fruits packaging is expertly designed to preserve the freshness, flavor, and nutritional value of your products. Made from high-quality, food-safe materials, these packaging solutions protect against moisture, air, and external contaminants, ensuring the long shelf life of your dry foods. Available in a variety of formats such as resealable pouches, stand-up bags, and custom-printed designs, our packaging provides both convenience and visual appeal. With options for eco-friendly materials and customizable branding, our dry food packaging is the ideal choice for businesses looking to offer safe, sustainable, and attractive solutions for their products.
Bio Maltodextrin

Bio Maltodextrin

Organic Maltodextrine is a versatile carbohydrate commonly used as an additive in foods and sports drinks. It is rapidly absorbed by the body, providing quick energy, making it ideal for athletes and individuals with active lifestyles. Organic Maltodextrine can also serve as a thickener and sweetener in various dishes and products. With its rapid energy release and diverse applications, Organic Maltodextrine is a must-have for anyone seeking a reliable and effective energy source. EC number:232-940-4 Molecular Formula:C6nH(10n+2)O(5n+1) CAS No:9050-36-6


Sunflower oil Bottle:1 l Bottle:5 l Incoterms:FCA, DAP
Kelp - Bio alga, ehető alga, biológiai

Kelp - Bio alga, ehető alga, biológiai

Il kelp è un tipo di alga marina bruna appartenente all'ordine Laminariales. È una delle alghe più grandi e più nutrienti del mondo, crescendo nelle acque costiere fredde e poco profonde di tutto il mondo. Il kelp è noto per la sua rapida crescita e la sua capacità di formare foreste subacquee dense che supportano una vasta gamma di biodiversità marina.
fehér quinoa

fehér quinoa

Quinoa blanca es una de las variedades más comunes de quinoa, una semilla que se considera un pseudocereal debido a su uso y valor nutricional similar al de los granos. La quinoa blanca tiene un sabor suave, ligeramente a nuez, y una textura esponjosa una vez cocida. Es originaria de los Andes sudamericanos, donde ha sido un alimento básico durante miles de años.


Alkaline liquid detergent, intended for automatic dishwashers. Product used in HACCP Plan. FEATURES Highly alkaline and controlled foam product, specially developed as a detergent for industrial dishwashers in areas with soft or medium water. Quickly removes all types of greasy residue and dirt from dishes. Provides anti-corrosive protection, strong sequestering and dispersing power and effective limescale control. FIELDS OF APPLICATION MAQ is recommended for washing dishes and other kitchen utensils in all types of automatic circuit and dishwashing machines. HOW TO USE It can be dosed manually or automatically. It is recommended to dose 2 to 7g of product per litre of water. The quantity will depend on the hardness of the water and the type of dirt. It should be used together with the “KCS ÁGUAS SOFT/MEDIAS” dishwashing rinse aid REF:CL3131.1
Állvány kisállat élelmiszer gyártóknak - Bolt Állvány kisállat élelmiszer gyártóknak

Állvány kisállat élelmiszer gyártóknak - Bolt Állvány kisállat élelmiszer gyártóknak

Floor Display Stand for pet food manufacturer
Modellező paszta Bézs Yerocolors 200g

Modellező paszta Bézs Yerocolors 200g

Modelling paste Yerocolors Nett weight gram:200 Colour/ flavour:Beige
T130 kukoricaliszt

T130 kukoricaliszt

La farine de maïs T130 est une farine intégrale, obtenue à partir du grain de maïs avec une mouture qui conserve une grande partie du son et du germe. Cela lui confère une couleur jaune foncé, presque dorée, et une texture plus granuleuse. Le « T130 » indique un taux de cendres élevé, signe d’une richesse en minéraux et en fibres. Cette farine est connue pour son goût prononcé de maïs, légèrement sucré et terreux, ainsi que pour ses excellentes propriétés nutritionnelles. L’un des principaux avantages de cette farine est qu’elle est naturellement sans gluten, ce qui en fait une option idéale pour les personnes souffrant de la maladie cœliaque ou celles cherchant à réduire leur consommation de gluten. Origine : Ukraine. Conditionnement : sac en papier kraft de 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg. Palettisation : 750-950kg.


Paper; C1S, C2S, Kraft, Special, Duplex Printing; CMYK, Pantone, UV, Silk Screen Lamination; Matte, Gloss, Varnish, Dispersion Application; Hot Foil, Deboss, Emboss, Grain, Spot UV
Organikus Oroszlánsörény Por Hericium Majomfej

Organikus Oroszlánsörény Por Hericium Majomfej

"Lion's Mane Mushroom Powder The Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) occurs in North America, Europe and Asia. The colour of the wig agaric is white to light orange. The mushroom can have a diameter of 25 centimeters. The wig mushroom is popular in Chinese cuisine. After harvesting the Lion's Mane mushroom is processed into a fine powder."
Ipari Fehér Szellem

Ipari Fehér Szellem

Industrial White Spirit
Pulykafalafel golyók csicseriborsóval - Culivision Trend Jelentés

Pulykafalafel golyók csicseriborsóval - Culivision Trend Jelentés

Super Trend Pulses The use of pulses in the snack, meat and dairy industries is rising and rising. Pulses are seeds and plants that mature in a pod. They are harvested overripe, dried and, if necessary, shelled. The legume genus includes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, lupins, soybeans and peanuts. The following are exciting product ideas on the topic.
Tengeri paella - Az előkészületek

Tengeri paella - Az előkészületek

Élelmiszererdő De Vergroening - Élelmiszererdő, amelyet a Reinasan és partnerei ültettek

Élelmiszererdő De Vergroening - Élelmiszererdő, amelyet a Reinasan és partnerei ültettek

Per noi, contribuire a un mondo più pulito è una cosa normale. In questo modo, lasceremo un mondo più verde alle generazioni future. Crediamo anche nella collaborazione con la natura. Questo è in parte il motivo per cui abbiamo iniziato a piantare una foresta alimentare. Offriamo ai nostri partner l'opportunità di contribuire a un mondo più sostenibile investendo in un'aria più pulita, in un suolo più ricco, nella fissazione dell'azoto e nella creazione di un ecosistema sicuro e naturale per la flora e la fauna acquistando alberi o arbusti per la nostra foresta alimentare De Vergroening. Offriamo la possibilità di donare un albero o un arbusto o di diventare donatori. Questo avviene tramite una NPO (Associazione senza scopo di lucro) in Belgio, a causa dell'ubicazione del terreno. Contattateci per maggiori dettagli o informazioni.
Kerek IML tartályok 550 ml - IML Élelmiszer-csomagolás

Kerek IML tartályok 550 ml - IML Élelmiszer-csomagolás

Volume Brimful: 650 ml Container Weight: 20,50 gr Lid Weight: 6 gr Tamper Evidence: Yes Dimensions: Body External Diameter Top : 108 mm Product code:DPC600


Possible Options: Paper: Brown Kraft, White Kraft Printing: CMYK Finishing: Matt or Glossy Lamination, Varnish These pouches are a great solution for hygiene in your cafes, restaurants, buffets, and anything related to culinary stuff and cutlery. Let your brand wander the world!
Extra Szűz Olívaolaj

Extra Szűz Olívaolaj

Huile Dolive Extra Vierge Modèle:250 ML
PLANTUS DTX - Élelmiszer-kiegészítő (Kapszula)

PLANTUS DTX - Élelmiszer-kiegészítő (Kapszula)

PLANTUS DTX contains Swertia chirata Trifolium pratense Cassia acutifolia Fumaria officinalis Terminalia sp. Hamamelis virginiana Piper nigrum Galium aparine Curcuma zedoaria Origanum vulgare Arctium majus Curcuma longa Piper longum Pterocarpus santalinus PLANTUS DTX contains plants that support the skin with their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and help remove heavy toxins from the body. At the same time these plants regulate bowel movements and support liver health. PLANTUS DTX is available as 60 capsules in a glass bottle.
Bio Fenyves Méz

Bio Fenyves Méz

Nous produisons des miels biologiques depuis 2000 que nous et nos enfants pouvons consommer. Énergie (kJ et kcal):1272 kilojoules Calorie:304 Kcal Graisse (g):0 Glucides (g):82,3g Protéine (g):0,3g
VacSy® Polikarbonát Tartály ø 11 cm, h 33,5 cm, 2,25 l - ÉLELMISZER VÁKUUMRENDSZER

VacSy® Polikarbonát Tartály ø 11 cm, h 33,5 cm, 2,25 l - ÉLELMISZER VÁKUUMRENDSZER

Perfect for storing breakfast cereals, porridge oats, pasta, juices, soups, milkshakes, tomato sauce, and much more. Extend the shelf-life of your food by up to 5 times compared to traditional methods while keeping nutritional values and flavour intact with the VacSy® Containers. Presentation THE VACSY® CONTAINERS MAKE FOOD PRESERVATION HEALHTY, WHILE ALSO… SAVING MONEY: Since food stays fresher much longer, you can greatly reduce the amount of spoiled or stale fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, snacks, cheese and more. Protect food against mould, spoilage, leaks or spills with the VacSy® containers. SAVING SPACE: Each container comes in different shapes and sizes and are designed for convenient, efficient storage in your refrigerator or pantry. SAVING TIME: By using containers, food can be protected from premature spoilage, making it easy to plan ahead and buy food in larger volumes, thus saving on grocery purchases and on time spent shopping. Item code:VS-013-20 Product name:VacSy® Polycarbonate Container ø 11 cm, h 33.5 cm, 2.25 l Gross weight [KG]:0.58 Net weight [KG]:0.5 Application:For vacuum food storage Producer:HOME ART. & SALES SERVICES AG, Sihleggstrasse 23, 8832 Wollerau - Switzerland Made in:Italy Composition:Polycarbonate container, lid with a seal Capacity / material:2.25 l/polycarbonate lid, silicone seals, polyethylene grid Dimensions:Ø 11 cm - height 33.5 cm Color:Green Temperature range pot:From -5ºC to 60ºC Closing:With VacSy® Vacuum Pump Suitable for use in the oven:NO Suitable for use in the microwave:YES
Zsírtaszító papírok

Zsírtaszító papírok

Unsere individuell bedruckten Fettpapier- und Lebensmittelverpackungen sind alle lebensmittelecht.